Riding a motorcycle can be an incredible experience—the feel of the open road, the rush of speed and freedom. But motorcyclists also face serious risks every time they get on their bikes due to the lack of stability and protection.

When a motorcycle collision occurs, the results are too often catastrophic.

If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury in a motorcycle accident that was caused by a negligent driver, unsafe road conditions, or other preventable circumstances, you need strong legal representation to get the compensation you deserve.

Our Wilmington motorcycle accident attorney at Donaldson Law helps injured riders get justice after crashes. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Damages Recoverable After a North Carolina Motorcycle Accident

There is no standard or capped amount of compensation set by law after a North Carolina motorcycle accident. Every case is unique, with damages calculated based on the specific losses and harms suffered by the victim and their family.

With an in-depth understanding of personal injury law, our personal injury attorney can provide a realistic assessment of what your claim may be worth.

Potential categories of damages include:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages
  • Loss of consortium
  • Wrongful death

Our motorcycle accident attorney at Donaldson Law is committed to recovering full and fair compensation tailored to the unique losses and needs of each client and their family. We can deliver results that provide long-term financial security and the ability to move forward.

North Carolina Motorcycle Helmet Laws

North Carolina requires all riders and passengers under 21 to wear a DOT-compliant helmet every time they ride, regardless of age. Helmets can significantly reduce head injuries in a crash.

These laws matter for injury claims. If you were illegally riding without a helmet and suffered head injuries in a crash, the insurance adjuster could argue your injuries were caused by the lack of a helmet rather than the accident itself. This could potentially reduce compensation for head/neck injuries, though likely not for other bodily injuries.

Why You Need a Skilled Motorcycle Accident Lawyer After a Crash in Wilmington, NC

Being injured in a motorcycle accident sparks an immediate need for medical treatment and a long road to physical and emotional recovery. It also leads to financial and legal needs that can be overwhelming to manage alone. At Donaldson Law, we guide victims and families through the complex process following a motorcycle collision in Wilmington, NC.

We conduct in-depth investigations to uncover liable parties and gather evidence proving negligence. We estimate the true value of damages considering long-term medical care, lost income, and other needs and aggressively negotiate with insurance companies to demand fair compensation without delay. We are also willing to take cases to court if responsible offers are not made.

Having skilled legal representation levels the playing field against defendants and their insurance companies. It allows you to focus on healing while having professionals dedicated to protecting your rights and obtaining the maximum recovery possible.

Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Wilmington

If negligence or recklessness by another driver, company, or government entity contributed to your motorcycle accident in any way, you have legal rights to pursue compensation. Not surprisingly, most motorcycle accidents are caused by negligence on the part of either driver. These include:

  • Reckless driving: One of the most common causes of motorcycle collisions is when drivers of cars, trucks, and other vehicles fail to properly look for bikes before changing lanes or turning. Their inattention and negligence often have devastating consequences.
  • Dangerous road hazards: Hazardous road conditions like potholes, uneven pavement, gravel, and debris can easily cause motorcyclists to lose control, crash, and suffer catastrophic injuries.
  • Mechanical defects: When vehicles have mechanical defects like defective brakes, horrendous crashes can occur.

While other motorists, road conditions, and mechanical defects often contribute to motorcycle crashes, in some cases, the motorcyclist may bear partial or full responsibility. Common errors made by motorcyclists that can cause accidents include weaving through traffic, speeding, or impaired driving.

Unfortunately, in North Carolina, if you are found even 1% to blame for your accident, you will be barred from recovery. Having an insightful motorcycle accident attorney can make all the difference in demonstrating the negligence of other drivers or entities involved.

Traumatic Brain Injuries One of the Most Serious Risks for Bikers

Traumatic brain injuries like concussions and intracranial bleeding are some of the most devastating yet common injuries suffered in motorcycle crashes. They often have life-changing consequences.

Survivors frequently face permanent cognitive deficits, including:

  • Memory and concentration problems
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Blurred vision or loss of eyesight
  • Slurred speech or inability to communicate
  • Partial paralysis
  • Personality changes and emotional instability
  • Seizures

Proper acute medical care and long-term rehabilitative treatment are extremely expensive but critical for recovery. Our lawyer will fight to recover compensation for all of these costs.

Act Fast — Statute of Limitations to File a Claim in North Carolina

In North Carolina, motorcycle accident victims generally have three years from the date of the crash to file a personal injury lawsuit. It is critical to act quickly to preserve your rights, as these cases take significant time to prepare. Our lawyer immediately starts gathering evidence and building your case while adhering to all deadlines.

Let Our Wilmington Motorcycle Accident Attorney Fight for the Compensation You Deserve

The effects of motorcycle accidents can be life-altering – crushing medical bills, lost wages, chronic pain, emotional anguish, and more. But you do not have to endure this alone.

Contact our motorcycle accident lawyer at Donaldson Law PLLC today for a free consultation. Let us review your case and help you determine the best path forward.

We know what it takes to build strong claims against negligent parties in motorcycle crashes. With personalized attention and unwavering dedication, we can help you recover both physically and financially after this difficult ordeal.